Initiative de Sweet Micky, Roro Nelson et compagnie, le match de collecte de fonds en soutien a la sélection nationale de football a fait stade comble, le Vendredi 23 avril écoule.A l’affiche l’équipe Sweet Micky All Stars contre celle de l’ASHAPS (Association Haïtienne de Presse Sportive).Score de tennis 6-4 en faveur des All Stars. Fort heureusement, au jeu de la solidarité, il n’y a jamais de perdants.Pour cette grande première d’une collecte de fonds particulière des mordus du stade ont également joue le jeu a cœur joie.Pour une sélection nationale, en route vers Trinidad, et au nom d’un football que l’on souhaite transcendant dans la sous-région Caraïbe, initiative tout a fait dans l’esprit du « grès cochon… » ou de « l’union fait la… », concluez vous-même.Clichés d’une belle soirée réussie.A bien d’autres !!!!
Michel Martelly, better known as “Sweet Micky,” is a musical marvel who has brought incredible energy, passion and sensitivity to the world of Haitian compas music. While his persona ignites great controversy throughout the Haitian Diaspora, it is overstated with a pulsating, infectious beat, accompanied by satire and sharp commentary. It can also be ever so softly understated with a lilting, dream-like cadence.
Over the past two decades, Michel has won the hearts of the Haitian people through his musical talent, irrepressible charm, charismatic persona and his love for people. While turning out hit after hit, Michel remains close to the pulse of his audience and to the Haitian people.
Michel has showed the world that his musical talent is a continuous means toward a very positive end by donating his time to participate in numerous social activities.
Under the aspect of being a successful public person, adulated by his fans, Michel has a heart even bigger than his reputation. He longs to give to his fellow Haitians, food, gifts, words or encouragement, love and, most of all, the respect we all deserve no matter what!